Lockheart Love ♡

Hello! Welcome to my little website ♡

I'm happy (but nervous) to announce that I'm attempting to make a fun website!! This isn't my first attempt at doing so, but I'm really gonna try to make this a PERSONAL page, as opposed to one focused explicitly on a single hobby, or one in disguise as a character I made up. (Techinically I'm using my screen/stage name, but I'm not pretending to be someone else entirely!)

I'm trying to make this site for a good few reasons, but specifically to be a bit of an internet brain dump! Updates will not be regular, I can (sadly) guarantee that, but I'll still be hanging out here!

Best viewed with a computer Best viewed with FireFox Web PG This page is a work in progress Neocities.org
Feel Free to Say Hi!
WARNING: The "Links" page and graphics collections will have flashing/blinking gifs and potentially eye-straining images! Please proceed with caution!
My Current Favorite Song!
My Other Websites!

And this one: